- Age
- Work experience
- Skills
- Qualification
- English Language ability
- Applicants will be given 10 points who do not have a de facto partner or spouse.
- Applicants will be given 10 points for having a skilled partner or de facto partner.
- If the applicants have STEM qualification then 10 points are added.
- Applicants with competent English with a spouse or de facto partner will be given 5 points.
- If the applicants get an invitation from the state government or territory Government then 15 points are added.
- Applicants getting sponsored by a family member living in Australia in the regional area will be given 15 points.
- First: Applicants who have skilled de facto partner or spouse.
- Equal First: Applicants without a de facto partner or spouse.
- Second: Applicants with competent English with de facto partner or spouse. But, the exception is that they do not have the skills to get skilled partner points.
- Third: Applicants with de facto partner or spouse who are not eligible for skilled partner points or competent English.