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Western Australia’s International Students are eligible to apply for WA State Nomination

Western Australia’s International Students are eligible to apply for WA State Nomination

Education Embassy Brisbane: If you are studying in Western Australia, especially in Perth, then there is no need to take tension about permanent residency. Western Australia’s State Nomination Migration Program or SNMP is going to be released for international students who are residing in Western Australia or who are planning to move to this State.

For more information about this program, you have to visit the best migration agents in Brisbane. They will tell you what to do to get a Permanent residency in Western Australia and what are the requirements that you have to fulfill to get PR. No doubt, Australia is the best country to live, study, and work as well, but it is not as easy as you think.

Let’s have a look at the SNMP program.

SNMP program is described as Western Australia’s State Nomination Migration Program, which is announced by Mark McGowan on 16 October 2019. In this announcement, he tells that the Graduate stream of the SNMP is going to be extended with the graduates of vocational education and training (VET). This is only for those who complete the AQF Certificate III level qualification in Western Australia. Well, this is not designed for those who are in trade occupations. He also tells about certain other changes that they are going to apply to the SNMP program. These are:

  • If you have done your study in VET, higher education, and English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS), then these will count as a double while your required nomination. Also, your two-year full degree includes in this Nomination program.

  • The second change is that now you have to show only 6 months’ experience to apply for PR in Western Australia. So, the length of work experience is going to be decreased from December 2019. You only have to show the 6-month experience in Western Australia.

And the first round or list of occupations is going to be announced in December 2019.

so, if you are eligible to apply under the WASMOL, which is explained as Western Australian Skilled Migration Occupation List and GOL, which stands for Graduate Occupation List, then you will also eligible to apply under to certain classes. These are:

So, if you are planning to apply for a Nomination or permanent residency, then you have to get proper or detailed information about this. To can grab the knowledge about skilled visas or other subclasses from the best migration agents, because they have a great deal of knowledge about everything visa type as well as new rules and regulations.

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