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Heightened growth in Australian Citizenship

Heightened growth in Australian Citizenship

A huge number of people are flowing in this rush of ‘immigration’. The graph of migrants changing to Australian citizens is ever rising and ever growing with almost 83 % increase in the citizenship applications in the final six months of 2018 as compared to the last six months of 2017. According to the sources, almost 73,000 citizenship applications were finalized, in the time span of 5 months i.e. July 2018 to December 2018. That seems to be a deep impact when compared to the same period of 2017, where only 40,000 applications were accepted. Experts from immigration, citizenship and multicultural affairs point on the high possibility of almost 16,500 people turning to Australian citizens, this Australian day, which is by far considered the most ‘popular day’ for becoming an Australian citizen. There is a drastic increase of more than 4500 migrants willing to get Australian citizenship, and this reflects our commitment to ensuring citizenship on our special day, the day of our national celebrations. This day’s existence marks the celebration of the unity of Australians, citizens that are by birth or by choice Australians. A section within the department of home affairs is established, that focuses on complex citizenship cases and citizenship applications are managed as efficiently as possible, all extra efforts are being put. These applications are processed against integrity measures. It’s a prerogative to those who value and respect our laws, contributing in our betterment and growth. For further details, you may refer to Education Embassy where you will get the complete knowledge on how to apply for the visa and what are the documents required. Sourabh Aggarwal Education Embassy +61 426 089 600

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