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Everything you need to know about upcoming changes in Australian Immigration

Everything you need to know about upcoming changes in Australian Immigration

Australian migration program has made a lot of contributions in improving the economy and enhancing the culture.  As time is getting better, the Australian migration program is going to change in the coming year. If you are planning to apply for the visa, then make sure to get in touch with our migration agents in Brisbane to understand better the process of applying for the visa. The Federal Budget: Key factors The migration program ceiling in 2020-2021 is going to be the same i.e. 1,60,000 places. The main focus of the migration program is to attract migrants with the right skillset. Let’s understand some of the major changes:
  • Skilled stream
This is the stream that has gone through many changes with the Provisional Business Innovation and Investment (subclass 188) and Employer-Sponsored (subclasses 482 and 186). These visas are going to get priority treatment.
  • General Skilled Migration
General Skilled migration spaces are reduced by about 30,000. Also, subclass 189 – Skilled Independent has seen a reduction from 16,652 to 6500 places.
  • The budget also states that the skilled visa is going to fill the places in skilled visas for around 17 priority occupations and 11 of them are linked to the health sector.

 Changes to the Provisional Business Innovation and Investment visa (subclass 188)

Changes under this subclass focus on improving the applicant’s quality. The changes are going to be made in the residency and investment requirements. By doing so, it ensures the investors, entrepreneurs, and business owners get the highest values. The best part is that the places in visas are doubled from 6852 to 13500. It is done so that the Australian economy can be benefited. There is the need to boost local jobs and for that, the Global Business and Talent Attraction Task Force will be established.

Focusing on Family Stream migration

If you are planning to apply for the Partner visa and want to settle in Australia, then you can take with the Family stream. The application process has been made properly by the Australian government. Around 75% of partner visas are going to be given to the people in Australia. Some of the updates in this process are:
  • Mandated character checks
  • Enforceable sponsorship applications
  • English language requirements for Partner visa applicants and sponsors
  • Sharing of sponsor information

 Covid-19 refunds and extensions

The Australian government has introduced the VAC (Visa Application Charge). It will help the visa holders to get the refund who are not able to travel to Australia because of the COVID-19. It will include the following:
  • Temporary skilled workers
  • Pacific Labour Scheme visa holders
  • Visitor visa holders
  • Seasonal Worker Programme visa holders
  • Prospective marriage visa (PMV) holders

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