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Everything about the Australian Migration Program Planning levels

Everything about the Australian Migration Program Planning levels

You might be thinking of moving to Australia whether it is for study purposes or work. No doubt, you are making the right choice as the country is filled with lots of opportunities for everyone. The Australian migration system is highly famous all over the world. In case you are planning to move to Australia then make sure you take the help of the migration agent. Let’s understand in detail about the Australian Migration planning levels.Migration Program Planning levelsThe migration program is designed to achieve a range of social and economic outcomes. The migration program is set to work on an annual basis. In the program, the total places are around with the ceiling of 1,60,000 for 2019 to 2020. The migration program is divided into 4 different categories which include:
  • Skill
Skill one is designed so that productivity is improved which will benefit the Australian economy. The need for the skill shortage in the labor market will be filled specifically for those in the regional area. Most of the places in this program are included in the Skill Stream. This part covers around 69.5 percent of the program.
  • Family
The family stream is made of the partner visa which allows the Australian to meet their family members who are overseas. By doing so, it will open the pathway of permanent residency. This stream covers around 30. 5 percent of the migration program.
  • Special Eligibility
For the people who are in special circumstances can benefit from this part. It includes the permanent residents who will get back to Australia after a certain time. This stream covers a very small part of the migration program.
  • Children
In the migration program, the children’s places are around 3350.
Stream and Category2019 to 2020
Skill stream
Employer Sponsored30,000
Skilled Independent16,652
Skilled Employer Sponsored10,000
Skilled Work Regional15,000
State/Territory Nominated24,968
Business Innovation & Investment program6,862
Global Talent5000
Distinguished Talent200
Skill Total108,682
Family Stream
Other family562
Family Total47732
Special Eligibility236

What about the program size?

The migration program size and composition are set every year through the Australian government budget method. Everyone is informed about it through the broad public consultation with the territory and state government along with community and business groups and the wider public. While the program is planned the international research, labor force forecasts, community views, net overseas migration, and fiscal modeling is kept in mind.If you want to apply for any visa type, then consult the expert. They will check if the visa type is best for you or should you apply for any other visa type.

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