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What are the major changes done by Australia Immigration to get PR in 2020?

What are the major changes done by Australia Immigration to get PR in 2020?

Education Embassy Brisbane: To apply for a visa, you need to know about major changes in Australian immigration policy. This will reduce the risk of visa refusal or rejection. You can get the information about major changes in Australian policy from migration agents in Brisbane. 

Major changes in Australia immigration policy.

Australian immigration introduces three new visa types such as-:

  • Subclass 491

  • Subclass 494

  • Subclass 191

Let’s have a look at changes in detail.

Subclass 491 Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa.

This visa class is designed for those with valid experience and professional qualifications. They can apply under this category if they want to live and work in the regional areas of Australia for at least five years. Only after that, they will be eligible to apply for the Permanent Residency of Australia under the Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 191).

If you are planning to apply, then you can simply apply and get your nomination from-:

  • An Australian State or Territory Government Agency

  • Your family member, who is already residing in a regional area in Australia.

  • The regional areas of Australia include-:

  1. Gold Coast

  2. Perth

  3. Newcastle

  4. Wollongong

  5. The New South Wales Central Coast

Subclass 494 Skilled Employer-Sponsored Visa stream

This visa is now replaced with the Regional Sponsored Migration Stream (RSMS) (Subclass 187). The major change in this visa category is that you have to work in the relevant field for at least 5 years. And you can only be available if you are under 45 years, have valid experience, competent level of English, and a minimum of 3 years of experience in the relevant field of your education.

Subclass 191 Permanent Residence Skilled Regional Visa stream

Candidates who apply under Subclass 491 and Subclass 494 Visa, will be able to apply for the Permanent Residence under Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 191). to get this visa you need to fulfill all the below-mentioned requirements such as-:

  • You have to show that you already have Skilled Provisional Visas (Subclass 494 or 491).

  • You provide evidence that you work in a relevant field in Australia for at least 3 years.

  • Or it is necessary for you to earn almost AUD 53,900 in the last three years.

Changes in point system in Australia.

  • You will be able to get 15 additional points by an Australian State or Territory or a family member, who is residing in a regional part of Australia.

  • You can also get 10 additional points, if you are from Science, Mathematics, Technology, and Engineering streams.

  • You can also get 10 additional points if your partner has a Competent English and Skills Assessment.

  • Or you can also get 5 points if your partner has a competent level of English, but make sure he/she is under 45 years.

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