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AAT Appeal

Australia: How To File Your Visa Application Again After Refusal?

You should go through the Administrative Appeals Tribunal website to request a form of the review decision.

Is it true that the Department of Home Affairs can revoke my Australian Permanent Residency?

If you have more questions then you must talk to our migration consultants, they will surely guide you for everything about the appeal.

What is the AAT, FCC, FCA, and HC Appeals for those who get refusal?

However, if you are applyed to migrate to Australiaand get Visa Refusal, then you need to appeal in court for AAT, FCC, FCA, and HC Appeals. Well, this is only done if you have proper knowledge about appeals. AAT, FCC, FCA, and HC Appeals for Visa Refusal


Here we briefly explained about AAT/MRT/RRT Appeals and as much as information and knowledge you have about this much are the chances that your application gets confirmed by the official body.

How much time does AAT Take to Process?

If you wish to go abroad, then you would want to know the kind of wait you will have to endure. The wait anticipated can change the whole course of your life.

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