What are the possible options to apply for PR after studying in Australia?
What are the possible options to apply for PR after studying in Australia?
PR options after studying in AustraliaSome students come to Australia and while living they decide to apply for the Permanent residency after completing the education. While selecting the course, it is always essential that there are chances to get a permanent visa.If you are planning to apply for the PR then you should contact our Migration Agents in Brisbane for a better understanding and application for the visa in the right manner. The migration agent will help you understand the different types of visas and which option is best for you. Understanding that your occupation needs to be on the list and this way you will be one step closer to apply for the PR.Important factors Well, there are essential factors apart from the course which should be kept in mind:
Employment experience
English language ability
Partner skills
Pathway to apply for the Australian PREvery year, thousands of students apply for the Australian study visa. In some cases, some people return to their home country and some prefer to apply for the PR. there are different ways, but to choose the right way you need to hire the migration agent. The most common pathways to PR include:Post-study work visaOnce your study is completed, the students are not directly eligible for the PR. This happens when they do not have enough points for skilled migration or the territory or state government does not sponsor them. In that case, the students can apply for the Post Study Work Visa (subclass 485) which is the perfect option.The visa is for 2 years and allows the visa holder to work. Students who have completed a full-time study in Australia for 2 years can apply for this visa. The work experience that comes with this visa helps to make the pathway to PR easy.General Skilled MigrationSkilled migration is based on the work and skills of the applicant when they do not need the sponsor. The certain requirements which need to be met include age, English Requirement, study history, and English ability. In some cases, more points can be added by getting sponsorship from the state or territory government.Employer-Sponsored visaOne of the ways for a PR pathway is an employer-sponsored visa. In some cases, the requirements of skilled migration do not meet and this is where the next option is to choose employer-sponsored visas.In this case, you need t get the temporary visa (Subclass 482) initially and then work towards getting the Australian visa. You need to work for 3 years to get sponsored by the employer.