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5 Occupations That Can Land You In Australia

5 Occupations That Can Land You In Australia

Many people go to foreign locations to realize their dream of getting overseas education. Many of the people already qualified and working in a professional capacity in India have bright chances of getting employment abroad. The country is rife with multiple employment opportunities. If you desire to go abroad for getting employment opportunities, then we can help you with skilled employment. Various migration agents help people with their dream plans. Immigration consultant in Brisbane reveals the fact that the Australian government releases Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL), which clarify the need for skilled professionals. The list is as follows –

IT Professionals

Demand for IT professionals is high in all foreign locations. The world is a hub for IT professionals. They are required almost everywhere. So can Australia be far behind? With the ever-growing need for installing,  maintaining and utilizing computerized systems in various companies , there is a great demand for IT professionals. The various sub-categories have codes assigned to them. Fill up the form accordingly.

Accounts and Finance

Accounting is another occupation which gets you employed in one of the premium positions. This is another field which has a high demand. Australia is no exception. The Australian government had advertised for 4785 applications, out of which 1434 applications have been received in the year 2017-18. So act fast if you are qualified accounts professional.

Construction Management

With the vast commercial development coming up in Australian cities, there is an ever-growing need for construction professionals in Australia. It does not come as a surprise, given the fact that many new construction projects are in the pipeline and infrastructure development is taking place at a rapid speed in Australia. In the year 2017-18, 5400 vacancies were there, out of which only 36 applications have been received.


There is a dearth of engineers from all the streams to cover up the work required for manufacturing, mining, infrastructure building, and defense. We already mentioned that Australia is undergoing heavy development as far as infrastructure and building products are concerned. The government has readily advertised for engineer recruitment. More than 2000 applications are required for such posts.

Registered Nurses

The noble medical profession of nursing is also in great demand. There is a great demand for nurses but the condition is that you must be registered with the concerned authorities.The government has advertised for 16741 applications, of which only 568 have been received.

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